Monday, March 4, 2013

Ancient Greece

         Almost human  If the true nature of art is to share information with others then the work of our ancient forefathers have been doing the job, for over 4000 years. Some of which was done on a massive scale, and in our present day society we also have succeeded in creating art. With all the advancement of modern technology storytelling or information sharing has become easier to do creating a culture of artist. Using Facebook, Twitter, cell phones and blogs just to name a few, artistic forms are continuously being created.  The ancient Greeks learned that story telling in stone is not easy and trying to get your point across artistically must be done in several steps.
           This is a concept followed by the artist of ancient Greece they borrowed from the other cultures they encountered. It seams as if the pieces they created were trying to make art look more life like. I think it's odd because in labs all around the world in the 21st. century scientist have been trying to clone the body parts of humans and animals. In my opinion it's similar to the scientist slash sculptures of ancient Greece that tried to reproduce life like images.
              So, I'd have to say that because of the GOD like behavioral of the artist during the ancient Greek art period their work is the best.

                                                                    Works cited,isz:s&sa=X&ei=_MY1UYGhCsbl0QGa74GIDQ&ved=0CCoQ2A4oAQ&biw=1366&bih=643

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